Обновление MyxCMake

This commit is contained in:
Andrei Astafev 2023-07-30 12:38:10 +03:00
parent 5447ba71f2
commit 48a60e92e1
11 changed files with 268 additions and 100 deletions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@

View File

@ -3,7 +3,9 @@ include_guard(GLOBAL)
get_property(__parent_directory DIRECTORY PROPERTY PARENT_DIRECTORY)
if(NOT __parent_directory)

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ myx_add_external_target
Обязательный параметр: `TARGET_NAME` - имя цели, содержащейся во внешнем проекте.
Параметр `MODULES_PATH` содержит имя каталога, в который будут загружаться
внешние проекты (по умлолчанию `modules`). Параметр `GIT_REPOSITORY` содержит
внешние проекты (по умолчанию `modules`). Параметр `GIT_REPOSITORY` содержит
адрес внешнего проекта, который нужно загрузить с помощью git. Параметр `GIT_TAG`
содержит используемые метку, идентификатор коммита или ветку в репозитории.
Параметр `LOCAL_PATH` используется для указания пути к подкаталогу, находящемуся

View File

@ -8,14 +8,10 @@ myx_add_interface_library
[ PACKAGES packages ] |
[ LINK_LIBRARIES link_libraries ] |
[ OUTPUT_NAME output_name ] |
[ EXPORT_FILE_NAME file_name ] |
[ EXPORT_BASE_NAME base_name ] |
[ HEADERS headers ])
Обязательные параметры: `TARGET_NAME` - имя библиотеки.
Параметр `OUTPUT_NAME` определяет базовое имя выходных файлов.
Параметр `EXPORT_FILE_NAME` задаёт имя заголовочного файла экспортируемых
переменных, а `EXPORT_BASE_NAME` - базовый суффикс для формирования имён переменных.
Все остальные параметры передаются в стандартную функцию `add_library()`
@ -23,7 +19,6 @@ myx_add_interface_library
@ -83,7 +78,11 @@ function(myx_add_interface_library TARGET_NAME)
# При этом сама цель `${TARGET_NAME}` может участвовать в сборке,
# если окажется в перечне зависимостей.
set_target_properties(${TARGET_NAME} PROPERTIES EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL True)

View File

@ -6,11 +6,13 @@ myx_add_object_library
[ OUTPUT_NAME output_name ] |
[ EXPORT_FILE_NAME file_name ] |
[ EXPORT_BASE_NAME base_name ])
Обязательные параметры: `TARGET_NAME` - имя библиотеки.
Параметр `OUTPUT_NAME` определяет базовое имя выходных файлов.
Если указана опция `NO_EXPORT`, то файл экспорта не генерируется.
Параметр `EXPORT_FILE_NAME` задаёт имя заголовочного файла экспортируемых
переменных, а `EXPORT_BASE_NAME` - базовый суффикс для формирования имён переменных.
Все остальные параметры передаются в стандартную функцию `add_library()`
@ -29,9 +31,8 @@ function(myx_add_object_library TARGET_NAME)
set(options NO_EXPORT)
cmake_parse_arguments(ARG "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN})
@ -64,6 +65,8 @@ function(myx_add_object_library TARGET_NAME)
# для создания динамической библиотеки
set(ARG_EXPORT_BASE_NAME ${__project_name_upper})
@ -83,6 +86,7 @@ function(myx_add_object_library TARGET_NAME)
# Цель для создания динамической библиотеки из объектных файлов

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
Обёртки для функции `message()`, которые в терминале UNIX
подсвечиают сообщения в зависимости от важности.
подсвечивают сообщения в зависимости от важности.
string(ASCII 27 Esc)
set(MyxColorReset "${Esc}[m")
set(MyxColorBold "${Esc}[1m")

View File

@ -19,7 +19,10 @@ function(myx_qt5_target_setup TARGET_NAME)
if(__target_type STREQUAL "EXECUTABLE")
target_link_libraries(${TARGET_NAME} PRIVATE "Qt5::${iter}")
if((__target_type STREQUAL "SHARED_LIBRARY") OR (__target_type STREQUAL "OBJECT_LIBRARY"))
if(__target_type STREQUAL "SHARED_LIBRARY")
target_link_libraries(${TARGET_NAME} PUBLIC "Qt5::${iter}")
target_link_libraries(${TARGET_NAME} PUBLIC "Qt5::${iter}")
@ -85,9 +88,9 @@ function(myx_qt5_target_setup TARGET_NAME)
# Добавление скомпилированного файла переводов к списку зависимостей для цели
target_sources(${TARGET_NAME} PRIVATE ${qm})
# Окончение файла ресурсов
# Окончание файла ресурсов
file(APPEND ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${TARGET_NAME}_l10n.qrc "</qresource></RCC>\n")
# Комплияция файла ресурсов с переводами
# Компиляция файла ресурсов с переводами
qt5_add_resources(qrc_l10n ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${TARGET_NAME}_l10n.qrc)
target_sources(${TARGET_NAME} PRIVATE ${qrc_l10n})

View File

@ -108,6 +108,8 @@ function(myx_target_setup TARGET_NAME)
target_link_libraries(${TARGET_NAME} PRIVATE ${__link_library})

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ include_guard(GLOBAL)
set(multiValueArgs PACKAGES Boost Qt5 Qt5Private)
set(multiValueArgs PACKAGES Boost Qt5 Qt5Private Qt6 Qt6Private)
cmake_parse_arguments(ARG "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN})
foreach(iter ${ARG_PACKAGES})
@ -24,6 +24,16 @@ macro(myx_find_required_packages)
find_package(Qt6 COMPONENTS ${ARG_Qt6} REQUIRED)
foreach(iter ${ARG_Qt6Private})
find_package("Qt6${iter}" COMPONENTS Private REQUIRED)
foreach(__iter IN LISTS oneValueArgs multiValueArgs)

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
По умолчанию предполагается использование версии MyxCMake,
файлы которой находятся в каталоге `cmake/myx` текущего проекта.
Для удобства разботки библиотеки MyxCMake можно указать путь
Для удобства разработки библиотеки MyxCMake можно указать путь
к её репозиторию с помощью переменной проекта CMake `MYX_CMAKE_DIR`
или переменной окружения `MYX_CMAKE_DIR`.
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
поиск версии в каталогах перечисленных в переменной `CMAKE_MODULES_DIR`.
Кроме того выполняется попытка поиска (MyxxCMake)[../../../../myxx] --
расширения для библиотеки, позволяющиего в режиме разработки программного
расширения для библиотеки, позволяющего в режиме разработки программного
проекта использовать дополнительные инструменты для его сопровождения.
@ -20,15 +20,15 @@ if(ENV{MYX_CMAKE_DIR})
myx_message_notice("=== MyxCMake directory: ${MyxCMake_CONFIG} ===")
myx_message_notice("== MyxCMake directory: ${MyxCMake_CONFIG} ==")
find_package(MyxCMake 2.3.1 REQUIRED)
myx_message_notice("=== MyxCMake directory: ${MyxCMake_CONFIG} ===")
find_package(MyxCMake 2.3.8 REQUIRED)
myx_message_notice("== MyxCMake directory: ${MyxCMake_CONFIG} ==")
myx_message_notice("=== MyxCMake directory: ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/myx ===")
myx_message_notice("== MyxCMake directory: ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/myx ==")

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# Uncrustify-0.75.0_f
# Uncrustify-0.77.1_f
# General options
@ -195,6 +195,11 @@ sp_before_ptr_star = remove # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# variable name. If set to ignore, sp_before_ptr_star is used instead.
sp_before_unnamed_ptr_star = remove # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove space between a qualifier and a pointer star '*' that isn't
# followed by a variable name, as in '(char const *)'. If set to ignore,
# sp_before_ptr_star is used instead.
sp_qualifier_unnamed_ptr_star = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove space between pointer stars '*', as in 'int ***a;'.
sp_between_ptr_star = remove # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
@ -232,13 +237,24 @@ sp_ptr_star_func_type = remove # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
sp_ptr_star_paren = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove space before a pointer star '*', if followed by a function
# prototype or function definition.
# prototype or function definition. If set to ignore, sp_before_ptr_star is
# used instead.
sp_before_ptr_star_func = remove # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove space between a qualifier and a pointer star '*' followed by
# the name of the function in a function prototype or definition, as in
# 'char const *foo()`. If set to ignore, sp_before_ptr_star is used instead.
sp_qualifier_ptr_star_func = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove space before a pointer star '*' in the trailing return of a
# function prototype or function definition.
sp_before_ptr_star_trailing = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove space between a qualifier and a pointer star '*' in the
# trailing return of a function prototype or function definition, as in
# 'auto foo() -> char const *'.
sp_qualifier_ptr_star_trailing = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove space before a reference sign '&'.
sp_before_byref = remove # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
@ -392,11 +408,11 @@ sp_before_semi_for = remove # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove space before a semicolon of an empty left part of a for
# statement, as in 'for ( <here> ; ; )'.
sp_before_semi_for_empty = remove # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
sp_before_semi_for_empty = force # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove space between the semicolons of an empty middle part of a for
# statement, as in 'for ( ; <here> ; )'.
sp_between_semi_for_empty = remove # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
sp_between_semi_for_empty = force # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove space after ';', except when followed by a comment.
@ -410,7 +426,7 @@ sp_after_semi_for = force # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove space after the final semicolon of an empty part of a for
# statement, as in 'for ( ; ; <here> )'.
sp_after_semi_for_empty = remove # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
sp_after_semi_for_empty = force # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove space before '[' (except '[]').
sp_before_square = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
@ -447,15 +463,15 @@ sp_after_comma = force # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Default: remove
sp_before_comma = remove # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# (C#) Add or remove space between ',' and ']' in multidimensional array type
# (C#, Vala) Add or remove space between ',' and ']' in multidimensional array type
# like 'int[,,]'.
sp_after_mdatype_commas = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# (C#) Add or remove space between '[' and ',' in multidimensional array type
# (C#, Vala) Add or remove space between '[' and ',' in multidimensional array type
# like 'int[,,]'.
sp_before_mdatype_commas = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# (C#) Add or remove space between ',' in multidimensional array type
# (C#, Vala) Add or remove space between ',' in multidimensional array type
# like 'int[,,]'.
sp_between_mdatype_commas = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
@ -628,6 +644,16 @@ sp_inside_fparens = remove # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove space inside function '(' and ')'.
sp_inside_fparen = force # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove space inside user functor '(' and ')'.
sp_func_call_user_inside_rparen = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove space inside empty functor '()'.
# Overrides sp_after_angle unless use_sp_after_angle_always is set to true.
sp_inside_rparens = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove space inside functor '(' and ')'.
sp_inside_rparen = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove space inside the first parentheses in a function type, as in
# 'void (*x)(...)'.
sp_inside_tparen = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
@ -744,10 +770,10 @@ sp_macro = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
sp_macro_func = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove space between 'else' and '{' if on the same line.
sp_else_brace = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
sp_else_brace = force # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove space between '}' and 'else' if on the same line.
sp_brace_else = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
sp_brace_else = force # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove space between '}' and the name of a typedef on the same line.
sp_brace_typedef = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
@ -782,7 +808,7 @@ sp_getset_brace = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove space between a variable and '{' for C++ uniform
# initialization.
sp_word_brace_init_lst = force # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
sp_word_brace_init_lst = add # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove space between a variable and '{' for a namespace.
@ -965,7 +991,15 @@ sp_before_for_colon = remove # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
sp_extern_paren = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove space after the opening of a C++ comment, as in '// <here> A'.
sp_cmt_cpp_start = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
sp_cmt_cpp_start = add # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# remove space after the '//' and the pvs command '-V1234',
# only works with sp_cmt_cpp_start set to add or force.
sp_cmt_cpp_pvs = true # true/false
# remove space after the '//' and the command 'lint',
# only works with sp_cmt_cpp_start set to add or force.
sp_cmt_cpp_lint = true # true/false
# Add or remove space in a C++ region marker comment, as in '// <here> BEGIN'.
# A region marker is defined as a comment which is not preceded by other text
@ -995,7 +1029,7 @@ sp_between_new_paren = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove space between ')' and type in 'new(foo) BAR'.
sp_after_newop_paren = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove space inside parenthesis of the new operator
# Add or remove space inside parentheses of the new operator
# as in 'new(foo) BAR'.
sp_inside_newop_paren = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
@ -1537,7 +1571,7 @@ indent_using_block = true # true/false
# How to indent the continuation of ternary operator.
# 0: Off (default)
# 1: When the `if_false` is a continuation, indent it under `if_false`
# 1: When the `if_false` is a continuation, indent it under the `if_true` branch
# 2: When the `:` is a continuation, indent it under `?`
indent_ternary_operator = 2 # unsigned number
@ -1565,9 +1599,14 @@ donot_indent_func_def_close_paren = false # true/false
# Newline adding and removing options
# Whether to collapse empty blocks between '{' and '}'.
# If true, overrides nl_inside_empty_func
nl_collapse_empty_body = false # true/false
# Whether to collapse empty blocks between '{' and '}' except for functions.
# Use nl_collapse_empty_body_functions to specify how empty function braces
# should be formatted.
nl_collapse_empty_body = true # true/false
# Whether to collapse empty blocks between '{' and '}' for functions only.
# If true, overrides nl_inside_empty_func.
nl_collapse_empty_body_functions = true # true/false
# Don't split one-line braced assignments, as in 'foo_t f = { 1, 2 };'.
nl_assign_leave_one_liners = true # true/false
@ -1656,7 +1695,7 @@ nl_after_square_assign = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove newline between a function call's ')' and '{', as in
# 'list_for_each(item, &list) { }'.
nl_fcall_brace = add # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
nl_fcall_brace = force # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove newline between 'enum' and '{'.
nl_enum_brace = force # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
@ -1680,17 +1719,17 @@ nl_struct_brace = force # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
nl_union_brace = force # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove newline between 'if' and '{'.
nl_if_brace = force # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
nl_if_brace = remove # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove newline between '}' and 'else'.
nl_brace_else = force # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
nl_brace_else = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove newline between 'else if' and '{'. If set to ignore,
# nl_if_brace is used instead.
nl_elseif_brace = force # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove newline between 'else' and '{'.
nl_else_brace = force # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
nl_else_brace = remove # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove newline between 'else' and 'if'.
nl_else_if = force # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
@ -1714,7 +1753,7 @@ nl_try_brace = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
nl_getset_brace = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove newline between 'for' and '{'.
nl_for_brace = add # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
nl_for_brace = remove # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove newline before the '{' of a 'catch' statement, as in
# 'catch (decl) <here> {'.
@ -1738,7 +1777,7 @@ nl_brace_square = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
nl_brace_fparen = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove newline between 'while' and '{'.
nl_while_brace = add # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
nl_while_brace = remove # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# (D) Add or remove newline between 'scope (x)' and '{'.
nl_scope_brace = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
@ -1763,7 +1802,7 @@ nl_do_brace = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
nl_brace_while = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove newline between 'switch' and '{'.
nl_switch_brace = add # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
nl_switch_brace = remove # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove newline between 'synchronized' and '{'.
nl_synchronized_brace = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
@ -1862,7 +1901,7 @@ nl_template_var = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
nl_template_using = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove newline between 'class' and '{'.
nl_class_brace = add # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
nl_class_brace = force # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove newline before or after (depending on pos_class_comma,
# may not be IGNORE) each',' in the base class list.
@ -2021,6 +2060,12 @@ nl_template_end = false # true/false
# See nl_oc_msg_leave_one_liner.
nl_oc_msg_args = false # true/false
# (OC) Minimum number of Objective-C message parameters before applying nl_oc_msg_args.
nl_oc_msg_args_min_params = 0 # unsigned number
# (OC) Max code width of Objective-C message before applying nl_oc_msg_args.
nl_oc_msg_args_max_code_width = 0 # unsigned number
# Add or remove newline between function signature and '{'.
nl_fdef_brace = add # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
@ -2034,6 +2079,9 @@ nl_cpp_ldef_brace = remove # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove newline between 'return' and the return expression.
nl_return_expr = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove newline between 'throw' and the throw expression.
nl_throw_expr = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Whether to add a newline after semicolons, except in 'for' statements.
nl_after_semicolon = false # true/false
@ -2227,7 +2275,7 @@ nl_max_blank_in_func = 2 # unsigned number
# The number of newlines inside an empty function body.
# This option overrides eat_blanks_after_open_brace and
# eat_blanks_before_close_brace, but is ignored when
# nl_collapse_empty_body=true
# nl_collapse_empty_body_functions=true
nl_inside_empty_func = 0 # unsigned number
# The number of newlines before a function prototype.
@ -2279,12 +2327,6 @@ nl_after_func_body_class = 2 # unsigned number
# Overrides nl_after_func_body and nl_after_func_body_class.
nl_after_func_body_one_liner = 0 # unsigned number
# The number of blank lines after a block of variable definitions at the top
# of a function body.
# 0: No change (default).
nl_func_var_def_blk = 1 # unsigned number
# The number of newlines before a block of typedefs. If nl_after_access_spec
# is non-zero, that option takes precedence.
@ -2294,22 +2336,34 @@ nl_typedef_blk_start = 0 # unsigned number
# The number of newlines after a block of typedefs.
# 0: No change (default).
nl_typedef_blk_end = 1 # unsigned number
nl_typedef_blk_end = 0 # unsigned number
# The maximum number of consecutive newlines within a block of typedefs.
# 0: No change (default).
nl_typedef_blk_in = 0 # unsigned number
# The number of empty newlines before a block of variable definitions
# not at the top of a function body. If nl_after_access_spec is non-zero,
# that option takes precedence.
# The minimum number of blank lines after a block of variable definitions
# at the top of a function body. If any preprocessor directives appear
# between the opening brace of the function and the variable block, then
# it is considered as not at the top of the function.Newlines are added
# before trailing preprocessor directives, if any exist.
# 0: No change (default).
nl_var_def_blk_start = 1 # unsigned number
nl_var_def_blk_end_func_top = 0 # unsigned number
# The number of empty newlines after a block of variable definitions
# not at the top of a function body.
# The minimum number of empty newlines before a block of variable definitions
# not at the top of a function body. If nl_after_access_spec is non-zero,
# that option takes precedence. Newlines are not added at the top of the
# file or just after an opening brace. Newlines are added above any
# preprocessor directives before the block.
# 0: No change (default).
nl_var_def_blk_start = 0 # unsigned number
# The minimum number of empty newlines after a block of variable definitions
# not at the top of a function body. Newlines are not added if the block
# is at the bottom of the file or just before a preprocessor directive.
# 0: No change (default).
nl_var_def_blk_end = 0 # unsigned number
@ -2625,11 +2679,6 @@ align_var_def_inline = false # true/false
# 0: Don't align (default).
align_assign_span = 1 # unsigned number
# The span for aligning on '{' in braced init list.
# 0: Don't align (default).
align_braced_init_list_span = 0 # unsigned number
# The span for aligning on '=' in function prototype modifier.
# 0: Don't align (default).
@ -2646,6 +2695,11 @@ align_assign_thresh = 0 # number
# Depends on 'align_assign_span' and 'align_assign_thresh' settings.
align_assign_on_multi_var_defs = true # true/false
# The span for aligning on '{' in braced init list.
# 0: Don't align (default).
align_braced_init_list_span = 0 # unsigned number
# The threshold for aligning on '{' in braced init list.
# Use a negative number for absolute thresholds.
@ -2813,9 +2867,16 @@ align_single_line_brace_gap = 0 # unsigned number
# 0: Don't align (default).
align_oc_msg_spec_span = 0 # unsigned number
# Whether to align macros wrapped with a backslash and a newline. This will
# not work right if the macro contains a multi-line comment.
align_nl_cont = false # true/false
# Whether and how to align backslashes that split a macro onto multiple lines.
# This will not work right if the macro contains a multi-line comment.
# 0: Do nothing (default)
# 1: Align the backslashes in the column at the end of the longest line
# 2: Align with the backslash that is farthest to the left, or, if that
# backslash is farther left than the end of the longest line, at the end of
# the longest line
# 3: Align with the backslash that is farthest to the right
align_nl_cont = 0 # unsigned number
# Whether to align macro functions and variables together.
align_pp_define_together = false # true/false
@ -3099,9 +3160,12 @@ mod_full_brace_nl = 0 # unsigned number
# mod_full_brace_function
mod_full_brace_nl_block_rem_mlcond = false # true/false
# Add or remove unnecessary parenthesis on 'return' statement.
# Add or remove unnecessary parentheses on 'return' statement.
mod_paren_on_return = add # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove unnecessary parentheses on 'throw' statement.
mod_paren_on_throw = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# (Pawn) Whether to change optional semicolons to real semicolons.
mod_pawn_semicolon = false # true/false
@ -3123,6 +3187,12 @@ mod_remove_extra_semicolon = true # true/false
# Whether to remove duplicate include.
mod_remove_duplicate_include = true # true/false
# the following options (mod_XX_closebrace_comment) use different comment,
# depending of the setting of the next option.
# false: Use the c comment (default)
# true : Use the cpp comment
mod_add_force_c_closebrace_comment = false # true/false
# If a function body exceeds the specified number of newlines and doesn't have
# a comment after the close brace, a comment will be added.
mod_add_long_function_closebrace_comment = 20 # unsigned number
@ -3199,6 +3269,49 @@ mod_remove_empty_return = false # true/false
# Add or remove the comma after the last value of an enumeration.
mod_enum_last_comma = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Syntax to use for infinite loops.
# 0: Leave syntax alone (default)
# 1: Rewrite as `for(;;)`
# 2: Rewrite as `while(true)`
# 3: Rewrite as `do`...`while(true);`
# 4: Rewrite as `while(1)`
# 5: Rewrite as `do`...`while(1);`
# Infinite loops that do not already match one of these syntaxes are ignored.
# Other options that affect loop formatting will be applied after transforming
# the syntax.
mod_infinite_loop = 0 # unsigned number
# Add or remove the 'int' keyword in 'int short'.
mod_int_short = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove the 'int' keyword in 'short int'.
mod_short_int = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove the 'int' keyword in 'int long'.
mod_int_long = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove the 'int' keyword in 'long int'.
mod_long_int = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove the 'int' keyword in 'int signed'.
mod_int_signed = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove the 'int' keyword in 'signed int'.
mod_signed_int = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove the 'int' keyword in 'int unsigned'.
mod_int_unsigned = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove the 'int' keyword in 'unsigned int'.
mod_unsigned_int = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# If there is a situation where mod_int_* and mod_*_int would result in
# multiple int keywords, whether to keep the rightmost int (the default) or the
# leftmost int.
mod_int_prefer_int_on_left = false # true/false
# (OC) Whether to organize the properties. If true, properties will be
# rearranged according to the mod_sort_oc_property_*_weight factors.
mod_sort_oc_properties = false # true/false
@ -3230,6 +3343,16 @@ mod_sort_oc_property_nullability_weight = 0 # number
# Preprocessor options
# How to use tabs when indenting preprocessor code.
# -1: Use 'indent_with_tabs' setting (default)
# 0: Spaces only
# 1: Indent with tabs to brace level, align with spaces
# 2: Indent and align with tabs, using spaces when not on a tabstop
# Default: -1
pp_indent_with_tabs = -1 # number
# Add or remove indentation of preprocessor directives inside #if blocks
# at brace level 0 (file-level).
pp_indent = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
@ -3250,10 +3373,11 @@ pp_indent_at_level0 = false # true/false
# Default: 1
pp_indent_count = 4 # unsigned number
# Add or remove space after # based on pp_level of #if blocks.
pp_space = remove # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Add or remove space after # based on pp level of #if blocks.
pp_space = remove # compat
pp_space_after = remove # ignore/add/remove/force/not_defined
# Sets the number of spaces per level added with pp_space.
# Sets the number of spaces per level added with pp_space_after.
pp_space_count = 0 # unsigned number
# The indent for '#region' and '#endregion' in C# and '#pragma region' in
@ -3286,22 +3410,34 @@ pp_include_at_level = false # true/false
# Whether to ignore the '#define' body while formatting.
pp_ignore_define_body = false # true/false
# An offset value that controls the indentation of the body of a multiline #define.
# 'body' refers to all the lines of a multiline #define except the first line.
# Requires 'pp_ignore_define_body = false'.
# <0: Absolute column: the body indentation starts off at the specified column
# (ex. -3 ==> the body is indented starting from column 3)
# >=0: Relative to the column of the '#' of '#define'
# (ex. 3 ==> the body is indented starting 3 columns at the right of '#')
# Default: 8
pp_multiline_define_body_indent = 8 # number
# Whether to indent case statements between #if, #else, and #endif.
# Only applies to the indent of the preprocesser that the case statements
# Only applies to the indent of the preprocessor that the case statements
# directly inside of.
# Default: true
pp_indent_case = true # true/false
# Whether to indent whole function definitions between #if, #else, and #endif.
# Only applies to the indent of the preprocesser that the function definition
# Only applies to the indent of the preprocessor that the function definition
# is directly inside of.
# Default: true
pp_indent_func_def = true # true/false
# Whether to indent extern C blocks between #if, #else, and #endif.
# Only applies to the indent of the preprocesser that the extern block is
# Only applies to the indent of the preprocessor that the extern block is
# directly inside of.
# Default: true
@ -3309,7 +3445,7 @@ pp_indent_extern = true # true/false
# How to indent braces directly inside #if, #else, and #endif.
# Requires pp_if_indent_code=true and only applies to the indent of the
# preprocesser that the braces are directly inside of.
# preprocessor that the braces are directly inside of.
# 0: No extra indent
# 1: Indent by one level
# -1: Preserve original indentation
@ -3382,10 +3518,10 @@ use_indent_continue_only_once = false # true/false
# The indentation can be:
# - after the assignment, at the '[' character
# - at the begin of the lambda body
# - at the beginning of the lambda body
# true: indentation will be after the assignment
# false: indentation will be at the begin of the lambda body (default)
# true: indentation will be at the beginning of the lambda body
# false: indentation will be after the assignment (default)
indent_cpp_lambda_only_once = true # true/false
# Whether sp_after_angle takes precedence over sp_inside_fparen. This was the
@ -3437,6 +3573,18 @@ debug_timeout = 0 # number
# 0: do not truncate.
debug_truncate = 0 # unsigned number
# sort (or not) the tracking info.
# Default: true
debug_sort_the_tracks = true # true/false
# decode (or not) the flags as a new line.
# only if the -p option is set.
debug_decode_the_flags = false # true/false
# insert the number of the line at the beginning of each line
set_numbering_for_html_output = false # true/false
# Meaning of the settings:
# Ignore - do not do any changes
# Add - makes sure there is 1 or more space/brace/newline/etc
@ -3489,5 +3637,5 @@ debug_truncate = 0 # unsigned number
# `macro-close END_MESSAGE_MAP`
# option(s) with 'not default' value: 214
# option(s) with 'not default' value: 217