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This commit is contained in:
Andrei Astafev 2022-12-18 17:39:40 +03:00
parent 0d1192758c
commit a8f767c95d
3 changed files with 7 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ ZINIT[ZCOMPDUMP_PATH]="$ZSH_CACHE_DIR/zcompdump"
if [ ! -d "$ZINIT[HOME_DIR]" ]; then
git clone https://github.com/zdharma-continuum/zinit "$ZINIT[HOME_DIR]"
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/zdharma-continuum/zinit "$ZINIT[HOME_DIR]"
zcompile "$ZINIT[HOME_DIR]/zinit.zsh"

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ zinit load mafredri/zsh-async
export ZSHZ_CASE=smart
zinit ice wait'!0' depth'1'
zinit light agkozak/zsh-z
if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ] && [ -n ${DISPLAY+set} ]; then
@ -16,7 +17,9 @@ zinit ice wait'!0' from"gh-r" as"program"
zinit light denisidoro/navi
zinit snippet https://github.com/denisidoro/navi/blob/master/shell/navi.plugin.zsh
zinit snippet OMZL::clipboard.zsh
zinit snippet OMZL::key-bindings.zsh
zinit snippet OMZL::termsupport.zsh
zinit snippet OMZP::autojump
zinit snippet OMZP::command-not-found
zinit snippet OMZP::common-aliases
@ -49,7 +52,7 @@ if command -v git > /dev/null 2>&1; then
if [ -x /usr/bin/git-extras ]; then
zinit snippet OMZP::git-extras
zinit lucid wait'0a' for \
zinit lucid wait'0a' depth"1" for \
as"program" \
pick"$ZPFX/bin/git-*" \
src"etc/git-extras-completion.zsh" \

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@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ zstyle ':completion:*:(ssh|scp|rsync):*:hosts-ipaddr' ignored-patterns '^<->.<->
# marlonrichert/zsh-autocomplete
zinit wait'!0' lucid light-mode depth=1 for \
zinit wait'!0' lucid light-mode depth'1' for \
atinit"ZINIT[COMPINIT_OPTS]=-C; zicompinit; zicdreplay" \
zdharma-continuum/fast-syntax-highlighting \
blockf \
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ if [ -n ${ZSH_MC_SUBSHELL+set} ] && [ -n ${SSH_CONNECTION+set} ]; then
zstyle ":history-search-multi-word" page-size "$(($LINES/2))"
zstyle ":plugin:history-search-multi-word" clear-on-cancel "yes"
zinit wait'!0' lucid light-mode depth=1 for \
zinit wait'!0' lucid light-mode depth'1' for \
zdharma-continuum/history-search-multi-word \
atload"bindkey '^[[A' history-substring-search-up; \
bindkey '^[[B' history-substring-search-down; \