if(NOT FSP_IS_EXTERNAL_PROJECT) set(FSP_PREFIX "" CACHE PATH "The path to the prefix of an libfsp installation") set(FSP_INCLUDE_DIR "" CACHE PATH "The path to the headers of an libfsp installation") set(FSP_LIBRARY_DIR "" CACHE PATH "The path to the library of an libfsp installation") set(_search_paths "") if(EXISTS FSP_INCLUDE_DIR) list(APPEND _search_paths ${FSP_INCLUDE_DIR}) endif() if(EXISTS FSP_PREFIX) list(APPEND _search_paths ${FSP_PREFIX}/include) endif() find_path( FSP_INCLUDE_DIRS NAMES fsp/mods.hpp PATHS ${_search_paths}) set(_search_paths "") if(EXISTS FSP_LIBRARY_DIR) list(APPEND _search_paths ${FSP_LIBRARY_DIR}) endif() if(EXISTS FSP_PREFIX) list(APPEND _search_paths ${FSP_PREFIX}/lib) endif() find_library( FSP_LIBRARIES NAMES fsp PATHS ${_search_paths}) unset(_search_paths) if(FSP_INCLUDE_DIRS AND FSP_LIBRARIES) set(FSP_FOUND TRUE) endif() if(FSP_FOUND) if(NOT FSP_FIND_QUIETLY) message(STATUS "Found libfsp") endif() set(HAVE_FSP 1) elseif(FSP_FOUND) if(FSP_FIND_REQUIRED) message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find libfsp") endif() endif() endif()