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2023-02-20 16:54:46 +03:00
"""Reader that processes Pandoc Markdown and returns HTML5."""
import json
import math
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
2015-05-16 14:13:47 -04:00
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import bs4
from mwc.counter import count_words_in_markdown
from ruamel.yaml import YAML, constructor
2014-03-26 11:35:27 +01:00
from pelican import signals
from pelican.readers import BaseReader
from pelican.utils import pelican_open
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DEFAULT_READING_SPEED = 200 # Words per minute
DIR_PATH = os.path.dirname(__file__)
"%7Bstatic%7D": "{static}",
"%7Battach%7D": "{attach}",
"%7Bfilename%7D": "{filename}",
FILE_EXTENSIONS = ["md", "mkd", "mkdn", "mdwn", "mdown", "markdown", "Rmd"]
PANDOC_READER_HTML_TEMPLATE = "pandoc-reader-default.html"
TEMPLATES_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(DIR_PATH, "templates"))
UNSUPPORTED_ARGUMENTS = ("--standalone", "--self-contained")
VALID_BIB_EXTENSIONS = ["json", "yaml", "bibtex", "bib"]
# Markdown variants supported in defaults files
# Update as Pandoc adds or removes support for formats
VALID_OUTPUT_FORMATS = ("html", "html5")
2015-05-16 14:13:47 -04:00
2014-08-27 09:41:47 +02:00
class PandocReader(BaseReader):
2023-02-20 16:54:46 +03:00
"""Convert files written in Pandoc Markdown to HTML 5."""
2014-03-26 11:35:27 +01:00
enabled = True
2023-02-20 16:54:46 +03:00
file_extensions = FILE_EXTENSIONS
def read(self, source_path):
"""Parse Pandoc Markdown and return HTML5 markup and metadata."""
# Get the user-defined path to the Pandoc executable or fall back to default
pandoc_executable = self.settings.get(
# If user-defined path, expand and make it absolute in case the path is relative
if pandoc_executable != DEFAULT_PANDOC_EXECUTABLE:
pandoc_executable = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(pandoc_executable))
# Check if pandoc is installed and is executable
if not shutil.which(pandoc_executable):
raise Exception("Could not find Pandoc. Please install.")
# Check if the version of pandoc installed is 2.11 or higher
# Open Markdown file and read content
content = ""
with pelican_open(source_path) as file_content:
content = file_content
# Retrieve HTML content and metadata
output, metadata = self._create_html(source_path, content, pandoc_executable)
return output, metadata
def _create_html(self, source_path, content, pandoc_executable):
"""Create HTML5 content."""
# Get settings set in
defaults_files = self.settings.get("PANDOC_DEFAULTS_FILES", [])
# Adding support for the old defaults file setting
# which will be removed in future versions of this plugin
if self.settings.get("PANDOC_DEFAULT_FILES", []):
defaults_files = self.settings.get("PANDOC_DEFAULT_FILES")
arguments = self.settings.get("PANDOC_ARGS", [])
extensions = self.settings.get("PANDOC_EXTENSIONS", [])
if isinstance(extensions, list):
extensions = "".join(extensions)
# Check if source content has a YAML metadata block
# Check validity of arguments or defaults files
table_of_contents, citations = self._validate_fields(
defaults_files, arguments, extensions
# Construct preliminary pandoc command
pandoc_cmd = self._construct_pandoc_command(
pandoc_executable, defaults_files, arguments, extensions
# Find and add bibliography if citations are specified
if citations:
for bib_file in self._find_bibs(source_path):
# Create HTML content using pandoc-reader-default.html template
output = self._run_pandoc(pandoc_cmd, content)
# Extract table of contents, text and metadata from HTML output
output, toc, pandoc_metadata = self._extract_contents(output, table_of_contents)
# Replace all occurrences of %7Bstatic%7D to {static},
# %7Battach%7D to {attach} and %7Bfilename%7D to {filename}
# so that static links are resolvable by pelican
for encoded_str, raw_str in ENCODED_LINKS_TO_RAW_LINKS_MAP.items():
output = output.replace(encoded_str, raw_str)
# Parse Pandoc metadata and add it to Pelican
metadata = self._process_metadata(pandoc_metadata)
if table_of_contents:
# Create table of contents and add to metadata
metadata["toc"] = self.process_metadata("toc", toc)
if self.settings.get("CALCULATE_READING_TIME", []):
# Calculate reading time and add to metadata
metadata["reading_time"] = self.process_metadata(
"reading_time", self._calculate_reading_time(content)
return output, metadata
def _validate_fields(self, defaults_files, arguments, extensions):
"""Validate fields and return citations and ToC request values."""
# If defaults_files is empty then validate the argument and extensions
if not defaults_files:
# Validate the arguments to see that they are supported
# by the plugin
# Check if citations have been requested
citations = self._check_if_citations(arguments, extensions)
# Check if table of contents has been requested
table_of_contents = self._check_if_toc(arguments)
# Validate defaults files and get the citations
# abd table of contents request value
citations, table_of_contents = self._check_defaults(defaults_files)
return table_of_contents, citations
def _check_defaults(self, defaults_files):
"""Check if the given Pandoc defaults file has valid values."""
citations = False
table_of_contents = False
# Get the data in all defaults files as a string
defaults_data = ""
for defaults_file in defaults_files:
with open(defaults_file, "r") as file_handle:
for line in file_handle.readlines():
defaults_data += line
# Convert YAML data to a Python dictionary
defaults = {}
yaml = YAML()
defaults = yaml.load(defaults_data)
except constructor.DuplicateKeyError as duplicate_key_error:
raise ValueError(
"Duplicate keys defined in multiple defaults files."
) from duplicate_key_error
reader = self._check_input_format(defaults)
if not citations:
citeproc_specified = False
2014-03-26 11:35:27 +01:00
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# Cases where citeproc is specified as citeproc: true
if defaults.get("citeproc", ""):
citeproc_specified = True
# Cases where citeproc is specified in filters
elif "citeproc" in defaults.get("filters", ""):
citeproc_specified = True
# The extension +citations is enabled by default in Pandoc 2.11
# we are checking that the extension is not disabled using -citations
if citeproc_specified and "-citations" not in reader:
citations = True
if not table_of_contents:
if defaults.get("table-of-contents", ""):
table_of_contents = True
return citations, table_of_contents
def _calculate_reading_time(self, content):
"""Calculate time taken to read content."""
reading_speed = self.settings.get("READING_SPEED", DEFAULT_READING_SPEED)
wordcount = count_words_in_markdown(content)
time_unit = "minutes"
reading_time = math.ceil(float(wordcount) / float(reading_speed))
if reading_time == 1:
time_unit = "minute"
reading_time = "{} {}".format(str(reading_time), time_unit)
except ValueError as words_per_minute_nan:
raise ValueError(
"READING_SPEED setting must be a number."
) from words_per_minute_nan
return reading_time
def _process_metadata(self, pandoc_metadata):
"""Process Pandoc metadata and add it to Pelican."""
# Cycle through the metadata and process them
2015-05-16 14:13:47 -04:00
metadata = {}
2023-02-20 16:54:46 +03:00
for key, value in pandoc_metadata.items():
key = key.lower()
if value and isinstance(value, str):
value = value.strip().strip('"')
# Process the metadata
metadata[key] = self.process_metadata(key, value)
return metadata
def _check_pandoc_version(pandoc_executable):
"""Check that the specified version of Pandoc is 2.11 or higher."""
output =
[pandoc_executable, "--version"],
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# Returns a string of the form pandoc <version>
pandoc_version = output.stdout.split("\n")[0]
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# Get the major and minor version from the above version string
major_version = pandoc_version.split()[1].split(".")[0]
minor_version = pandoc_version.split()[1].split(".")[1]
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# Pandoc major version less than 2 are not supported
if int(major_version) < PANDOC_SUPPORTED_MAJOR_VERSION:
raise Exception("Pandoc version must be 2.11 or higher.")
2015-05-16 14:13:47 -04:00
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# Pandoc major version 2 minor version less than 11 are not supported
if (
and int(minor_version) < PANDOC_SUPPORTED_MINOR_VERSION
raise Exception("Pandoc version must be 2.11 or higher.")
2015-05-16 14:13:47 -04:00
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def _check_yaml_metadata_block(content):
"""Check if the source content has a YAML metadata block."""
# Check that the given content is not empty
if not content:
raise Exception("Could not find metadata. File is empty.")
2019-04-25 14:52:57 +03:00
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# Split content into a list of lines
content_lines = content.splitlines()
2023-02-20 16:54:46 +03:00
# Check that the first line of the file starts with a YAML block
if content_lines[0].rstrip() not in ["---"]:
raise Exception("Could not find metadata header '---'.")
# Find the end of the YAML block
yaml_block_end = ""
for line_num, line in enumerate(content_lines[1:]):
if line.rstrip() in ["---", "..."]:
yaml_block_end = line_num
# Check if the end of the YAML block was found
if not yaml_block_end:
raise Exception("Could not find end of metadata block.")
def _construct_pandoc_command(
pandoc_executable, defaults_files, arguments, extensions
"""Construct Pandoc command for content."""
pandoc_cmd = [
if not defaults_files:
pandoc_cmd.extend(["--from", "markdown" + extensions, "--to", "html5"])
2015-05-16 14:13:47 -04:00
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for defaults_file in defaults_files:
return pandoc_cmd
def _run_pandoc(pandoc_cmd, content):
"""Execute the given pandoc command and return output."""
output =
2023-02-20 16:54:46 +03:00
return output.stdout
2023-02-20 16:54:46 +03:00
def _extract_contents(html_output, table_of_contents):
"""Extract body html, table of contents and metadata from output."""
# Extract pandoc metadata from html output
pandoc_json_metadata, _, html_output = html_output.partition("\n")
# Convert JSON string to dict
pandoc_metadata = json.loads(pandoc_json_metadata)
# Parse HTML output
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(html_output, "html.parser")
# Extract the table of contents if one was requested
toc = ""
if table_of_contents:
# Find the table of contents
toc = soup.body.find("nav", id="TOC")
if toc:
# Convert it to a string
toc = str(toc)
# Replace id=TOC with class="toc"
toc = toc.replace('id="TOC"', 'class="toc"')
# Remove the table of contents from the HTML output
soup.body.find("nav", id="TOC").decompose()
# Remove body tag around html output
# Strip leading and trailing spaces
html_output = str(soup).strip()
return html_output, toc, pandoc_metadata
def _check_if_citations(arguments, extensions):
"""Check if citations are specified."""
citations = False
if arguments and extensions:
# The +citations extension is enabled by default in Pandoc 2.11
# therefore we do a check to see that it is not disabled in extensions
if (
"--citeproc" in arguments or "-C" in arguments
) and "-citations" not in extensions:
citations = True
return citations
def _check_if_toc(arguments):
"""Check if a table of contents should be generated."""
table_of_contents = False
if arguments:
if "--toc" in arguments or "--table-of-contents" in arguments:
table_of_contents = True
return table_of_contents
def _find_bibs(source_path):
"""Find bibliographies recursively in the sourcepath given."""
bib_files = []
filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(source_path))[0]
directory_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(source_path))
for root, _, files in os.walk(directory_path):
for extension in VALID_BIB_EXTENSIONS:
bib_name = ".".join([filename, extension])
if bib_name in files:
bib_files.append(os.path.join(root, bib_name))
return bib_files
def _check_arguments(arguments):
"""Check to see that only supported arguments have been passed."""
for arg in arguments:
raise ValueError("Argument {0} is not supported.".format(arg))
def _check_if_unsupported_settings(defaults):
"""Check if unsupported settings are specified in the defaults."""
arg = arg[2:]
if defaults.get(arg, ""):
raise ValueError("The default {} should be set to false.".format(arg))
def _check_input_format(defaults):
"""Check if the input format given is a Markdown variant."""
reader = ""
reader_input = defaults.get("reader", "")
from_input = defaults.get("from", "")
# Case where no input format is specified
if not reader_input and not from_input:
raise ValueError("No input format specified.")
# Case where both reader and from are specified which is not supported
if reader_input and from_input:
raise ValueError(
"Specifying both from and reader is not supported."
" Please specify just one."
if reader_input or from_input:
if reader_input:
reader = reader_input
elif from_input:
reader = from_input
reader_prefix = reader.replace("+", "-").split("-")[0]
# Check to see if the reader_prefix matches a valid input format
if reader_prefix not in VALID_INPUT_FORMATS:
raise ValueError("Input type has to be a Markdown variant.")
return reader
def _check_output_format(defaults):
"""Check if the output format is HTML or HTML5."""
writer_output = defaults.get("writer", "")
to_output = defaults.get("to", "")
# Case where both writer and to are specified which is not supported
if writer_output and to_output:
raise ValueError(
"Specifying both to and writer is not supported."
" Please specify just one."
# Case where neither writer nor to value is set to html
if (
writer_output not in VALID_OUTPUT_FORMATS
and to_output not in VALID_OUTPUT_FORMATS
output_formats = " or ".join(VALID_OUTPUT_FORMATS)
raise ValueError(
"Output format type must be either {}.".format(output_formats)
2014-08-27 09:41:47 +02:00
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def add_reader(readers):
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"""Add the PandocReader as the reader for all Pandoc Markdown files."""
for ext in PandocReader.file_extensions:
readers.reader_classes[ext] = PandocReader
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2014-03-26 11:35:27 +01:00
def register():
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"""Register the PandocReader."""
2014-03-26 11:35:27 +01:00