
454 lines
16 KiB

"""Reader that processes Pandoc Markdown and returns HTML5."""
import json
import math
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import bs4
from ruamel.yaml import YAML, constructor
from pelican import signals
from pelican.readers import BaseReader
from pelican.utils import pelican_open
DEFAULT_READING_SPEED = 200 # Words per minute
DIR_PATH = os.path.dirname(__file__)
"%7Bstatic%7D": "{static}",
"%7Battach%7D": "{attach}",
"%7Bfilename%7D": "{filename}",
FILE_EXTENSIONS = ["md", "mkd", "mkdn", "mdwn", "mdown", "markdown", "Rmd"]
PANDOC_READER_HTML_TEMPLATE = "pandoc-reader-default.html"
TEMPLATES_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(DIR_PATH, "templates"))
UNSUPPORTED_ARGUMENTS = ("--standalone", "--self-contained")
VALID_BIB_EXTENSIONS = ["json", "yaml", "bibtex", "bib"]
# Markdown variants supported in defaults files
# Update as Pandoc adds or removes support for formats
VALID_OUTPUT_FORMATS = ("html", "html5")
class PandocReader(BaseReader):
"""Convert files written in Pandoc Markdown to HTML 5."""
enabled = True
file_extensions = FILE_EXTENSIONS
def read(self, source_path):
"""Parse Pandoc Markdown and return HTML5 markup and metadata."""
# Get the user-defined path to the Pandoc executable or fall back to default
pandoc_executable = self.settings.get(
# If user-defined path, expand and make it absolute in case the path is relative
if pandoc_executable != DEFAULT_PANDOC_EXECUTABLE:
pandoc_executable = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(pandoc_executable))
# Check if pandoc is installed and is executable
if not shutil.which(pandoc_executable):
raise Exception("Could not find Pandoc. Please install.")
# Check if the version of pandoc installed is 2.11 or higher
# Open Markdown file and read content
content = ""
with pelican_open(source_path) as file_content:
content = file_content
# Retrieve HTML content and metadata
output, metadata = self._create_html(source_path, content, pandoc_executable)
return output, metadata
def _create_html(self, source_path, content, pandoc_executable):
"""Create HTML5 content."""
# Get settings set in
defaults_files = self.settings.get("PANDOC_DEFAULTS_FILES", [])
# Adding support for the old defaults file setting
# which will be removed in future versions of this plugin
if self.settings.get("PANDOC_DEFAULT_FILES", []):
defaults_files = self.settings.get("PANDOC_DEFAULT_FILES")
arguments = self.settings.get("PANDOC_ARGS", [])
extensions = self.settings.get("PANDOC_EXTENSIONS", [])
if isinstance(extensions, list):
extensions = "".join(extensions)
# Check if source content has a YAML metadata block
# Check validity of arguments or defaults files
table_of_contents, citations = self._validate_fields(
defaults_files, arguments, extensions
# Construct preliminary pandoc command
pandoc_cmd = self._construct_pandoc_command(
pandoc_executable, defaults_files, arguments, extensions
# Find and add bibliography if citations are specified
if citations:
for bib_file in self._find_bibs(source_path):
# Create HTML content using pandoc-reader-default.html template
output = self._run_pandoc(pandoc_cmd, content)
# Extract table of contents, text and metadata from HTML output
output, toc, pandoc_metadata = self._extract_contents(output, table_of_contents)
# Replace all occurrences of %7Bstatic%7D to {static},
# %7Battach%7D to {attach} and %7Bfilename%7D to {filename}
# so that static links are resolvable by pelican
for encoded_str, raw_str in ENCODED_LINKS_TO_RAW_LINKS_MAP.items():
output = output.replace(encoded_str, raw_str)
# Parse Pandoc metadata and add it to Pelican
metadata = self._process_metadata(pandoc_metadata)
if table_of_contents:
# Create table of contents and add to metadata
metadata["toc"] = self.process_metadata("toc", toc)
return output, metadata
def _validate_fields(self, defaults_files, arguments, extensions):
"""Validate fields and return citations and ToC request values."""
# If defaults_files is empty then validate the argument and extensions
if not defaults_files:
# Validate the arguments to see that they are supported
# by the plugin
# Check if citations have been requested
citations = self._check_if_citations(arguments, extensions)
# Check if table of contents has been requested
table_of_contents = self._check_if_toc(arguments)
# Validate defaults files and get the citations
# abd table of contents request value
citations, table_of_contents = self._check_defaults(defaults_files)
return table_of_contents, citations
def _check_defaults(self, defaults_files):
"""Check if the given Pandoc defaults file has valid values."""
citations = False
table_of_contents = False
# Get the data in all defaults files as a string
defaults_data = ""
for defaults_file in defaults_files:
with open(defaults_file, "r") as file_handle:
for line in file_handle.readlines():
defaults_data += line
# Convert YAML data to a Python dictionary
defaults = {}
yaml = YAML()
defaults = yaml.load(defaults_data)
except constructor.DuplicateKeyError as duplicate_key_error:
raise ValueError(
"Duplicate keys defined in multiple defaults files."
) from duplicate_key_error
reader = self._check_input_format(defaults)
if not citations:
citeproc_specified = False
# Cases where citeproc is specified as citeproc: true
if defaults.get("citeproc", ""):
citeproc_specified = True
# Cases where citeproc is specified in filters
elif "citeproc" in defaults.get("filters", ""):
citeproc_specified = True
# The extension +citations is enabled by default in Pandoc 2.11
# we are checking that the extension is not disabled using -citations
if citeproc_specified and "-citations" not in reader:
citations = True
if not table_of_contents:
if defaults.get("table-of-contents", ""):
table_of_contents = True
return citations, table_of_contents
def _process_metadata(self, pandoc_metadata):
"""Process Pandoc metadata and add it to Pelican."""
# Cycle through the metadata and process them
metadata = {}
for key, value in pandoc_metadata.items():
key = key.lower()
if value and isinstance(value, str):
value = value.strip().strip('"')
# Process the metadata
metadata[key] = self.process_metadata(key, value)
return metadata
def _check_pandoc_version(pandoc_executable):
"""Check that the specified version of Pandoc is 2.11 or higher."""
output =
[pandoc_executable, "--version"],
# Returns a string of the form pandoc <version>
pandoc_version = output.stdout.split("\n")[0]
# Get the major and minor version from the above version string
major_version = pandoc_version.split()[1].split(".")[0]
minor_version = pandoc_version.split()[1].split(".")[1]
# Pandoc major version less than 2 are not supported
if int(major_version) < PANDOC_SUPPORTED_MAJOR_VERSION:
raise Exception("Pandoc version must be 2.11 or higher.")
# Pandoc major version 2 minor version less than 11 are not supported
if (
and int(minor_version) < PANDOC_SUPPORTED_MINOR_VERSION
raise Exception("Pandoc version must be 2.11 or higher.")
def _check_yaml_metadata_block(content):
"""Check if the source content has a YAML metadata block."""
# Check that the given content is not empty
if not content:
raise Exception("Could not find metadata. File is empty.")
# Split content into a list of lines
content_lines = content.splitlines()
# Check that the first line of the file starts with a YAML block
if content_lines[0].rstrip() not in ["---"]:
raise Exception("Could not find metadata header '---'.")
# Find the end of the YAML block
yaml_block_end = ""
for line_num, line in enumerate(content_lines[1:]):
if line.rstrip() in ["---", "..."]:
yaml_block_end = line_num
# Check if the end of the YAML block was found
if not yaml_block_end:
raise Exception("Could not find end of metadata block.")
def _construct_pandoc_command(
pandoc_executable, defaults_files, arguments, extensions
"""Construct Pandoc command for content."""
pandoc_cmd = [
if not defaults_files:
pandoc_cmd.extend(["--from", "markdown" + extensions, "--to", "html5"])
for defaults_file in defaults_files:
return pandoc_cmd
def _run_pandoc(pandoc_cmd, content):
"""Execute the given pandoc command and return output."""
output =
return output.stdout
def _extract_contents(html_output, table_of_contents):
"""Extract body html, table of contents and metadata from output."""
# Extract pandoc metadata from html output
pandoc_json_metadata, _, html_output = html_output.partition("\n")
# Convert JSON string to dict
pandoc_metadata = json.loads(pandoc_json_metadata)
# Parse HTML output
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(html_output, "html.parser")
# Extract the table of contents if one was requested
toc = ""
if table_of_contents:
# Find the table of contents
toc = soup.body.find("nav", id="TOC")
if toc:
# Convert it to a string
toc = str(toc)
# Replace id=TOC with class="toc"
toc = toc.replace('id="TOC"', 'class="toc"')
# Remove the table of contents from the HTML output
soup.body.find("nav", id="TOC").decompose()
# Remove body tag around html output
# Strip leading and trailing spaces
html_output = str(soup).strip()
return html_output, toc, pandoc_metadata
def _check_if_citations(arguments, extensions):
"""Check if citations are specified."""
citations = False
if arguments and extensions:
# The +citations extension is enabled by default in Pandoc 2.11
# therefore we do a check to see that it is not disabled in extensions
if (
"--citeproc" in arguments or "-C" in arguments
) and "-citations" not in extensions:
citations = True
return citations
def _check_if_toc(arguments):
"""Check if a table of contents should be generated."""
table_of_contents = False
if arguments:
if "--toc" in arguments or "--table-of-contents" in arguments:
table_of_contents = True
return table_of_contents
def _find_bibs(source_path):
"""Find bibliographies recursively in the sourcepath given."""
bib_files = []
filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(source_path))[0]
directory_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(source_path))
for root, _, files in os.walk(directory_path):
for extension in VALID_BIB_EXTENSIONS:
bib_name = ".".join([filename, extension])
if bib_name in files:
bib_files.append(os.path.join(root, bib_name))
return bib_files
def _check_arguments(arguments):
"""Check to see that only supported arguments have been passed."""
for arg in arguments:
raise ValueError("Argument {0} is not supported.".format(arg))
def _check_if_unsupported_settings(defaults):
"""Check if unsupported settings are specified in the defaults."""
arg = arg[2:]
if defaults.get(arg, ""):
raise ValueError("The default {} should be set to false.".format(arg))
def _check_input_format(defaults):
"""Check if the input format given is a Markdown variant."""
reader = ""
reader_input = defaults.get("reader", "")
from_input = defaults.get("from", "")
# Case where no input format is specified
if not reader_input and not from_input:
raise ValueError("No input format specified.")
# Case where both reader and from are specified which is not supported
if reader_input and from_input:
raise ValueError(
"Specifying both from and reader is not supported."
" Please specify just one."
if reader_input or from_input:
if reader_input:
reader = reader_input
elif from_input:
reader = from_input
reader_prefix = reader.replace("+", "-").split("-")[0]
# Check to see if the reader_prefix matches a valid input format
if reader_prefix not in VALID_INPUT_FORMATS:
raise ValueError("Input type has to be a Markdown variant.")
return reader
def _check_output_format(defaults):
"""Check if the output format is HTML or HTML5."""
writer_output = defaults.get("writer", "")
to_output = defaults.get("to", "")
# Case where both writer and to are specified which is not supported
if writer_output and to_output:
raise ValueError(
"Specifying both to and writer is not supported."
" Please specify just one."
# Case where neither writer nor to value is set to html
if (
writer_output not in VALID_OUTPUT_FORMATS
and to_output not in VALID_OUTPUT_FORMATS
output_formats = " or ".join(VALID_OUTPUT_FORMATS)
raise ValueError(
"Output format type must be either {}.".format(output_formats)
def add_reader(readers):
"""Add the PandocReader as the reader for all Pandoc Markdown files."""
for ext in PandocReader.file_extensions:
readers.reader_classes[ext] = PandocReader
def register():
"""Register the PandocReader."""