# YUI Compressor Plugin A pelican plugin that minifies CSS/JS files using YUI Compressor during the building step. # Installation YUI Compressor needs to be present on your system. One way to obtain it is by installing it using pip: Important: This method assumes that JRE is already installed. ```bash pip install yuicompressor ``` More information about YUI Compressor: https://github.com/yui/yuicompressor # Instructions Add `yuicompressor` to `pelicanconf.py` after installing YUI Compressor: ```python PLUGINS = ['yuicompressor'] ``` By default, this plugin expects the YUI Compressor executable to be named `yuicompressor`. This can be changed by defining `YUICOMPRESSOR_EXECUTABLE` in `pelicanconf.py`: ```python YUICOMPRESSOR_EXECUTABLE = 'yui-compressor' ``` # Licence GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3