This commit is contained in:
@ -878,7 +878,7 @@ sp_inside_newop_paren_open = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force
sp_inside_newop_paren_close = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force
# Add or remove space before a trailing or embedded comment.
sp_before_tr_emb_cmt = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force
sp_before_tr_emb_cmt = force # ignore/add/remove/force
# Number of spaces before a trailing or embedded comment.
sp_num_before_tr_emb_cmt = 0 # unsigned number
@ -1080,7 +1080,7 @@ indent_sing_line_comments = 0 # unsigned number
# Whether to indent trailing single line ('//') comments relative to the code
# instead of trying to keep the same absolute column.
indent_relative_single_line_comments = false # true/false
indent_relative_single_line_comments = true # true/false
# Spaces to indent 'case' from 'switch'. Usually 0 or indent_columns.
indent_switch_case = 0 # unsigned number
@ -1765,11 +1765,11 @@ nl_ds_struct_enum_close_brace = false # true/false
# Add or remove newline before or after (depending on pos_class_colon) a class
# colon, as in 'class Foo <here> : <or here> public Bar'.
nl_class_colon = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force
nl_class_colon = remove # ignore/add/remove/force
# Add or remove newline around a class constructor colon. The exact position
# depends on nl_constr_init_args, pos_constr_colon and pos_constr_comma.
nl_constr_colon = ignore # ignore/add/remove/force
nl_constr_colon = force # ignore/add/remove/force
# Whether to collapse a two-line namespace, like 'namespace foo\n{ decl; }'
# into a single line. If true, prevents other brace newline rules from turning
@ -2046,19 +2046,19 @@ pos_enum_comma = ignore # ignore/break/force/lead/trail/join/
# The position of the comma in the base class list if there is more than one
# line. Affects nl_class_init_args.
pos_class_comma = ignore # ignore/break/force/lead/trail/join/lead_break/lead_force/trail_break/trail_force
pos_class_comma = trail_force # ignore/break/force/lead/trail/join/lead_break/lead_force/trail_break/trail_force
# The position of the comma in the constructor initialization list.
# Related to nl_constr_colon, nl_constr_init_args and pos_constr_colon.
pos_constr_comma = trail # ignore/break/force/lead/trail/join/lead_break/lead_force/trail_break/trail_force
pos_constr_comma = trail_force # ignore/break/force/lead/trail/join/lead_break/lead_force/trail_break/trail_force
# The position of trailing/leading class colon, between class and base class
# list. Affects nl_class_colon.
pos_class_colon = ignore # ignore/break/force/lead/trail/join/lead_break/lead_force/trail_break/trail_force
pos_class_colon = trail_force # ignore/break/force/lead/trail/join/lead_break/lead_force/trail_break/trail_force
# The position of colons between constructor and member initialization.
# Related to nl_constr_colon, nl_constr_init_args and pos_constr_comma.
pos_constr_colon = force # ignore/break/force/lead/trail/join/lead_break/lead_force/trail_break/trail_force
pos_constr_colon = trail_force # ignore/break/force/lead/trail/join/lead_break/lead_force/trail_break/trail_force
# Line splitting options
@ -2093,18 +2093,18 @@ align_with_tabs = false # true/false
align_on_tabstop = false # true/false
# Whether to right-align numbers.
align_number_right = false # true/false
align_number_right = true # true/false
# Whether to keep whitespace not required for alignment.
align_keep_extra_space = false # true/false
# Whether to align variable definitions in prototypes and functions.
align_func_params = false # true/false
align_func_params = true # true/false
# The span for aligning parameter definitions in function on parameter name.
# 0: Don't align (default).
align_func_params_span = 0 # unsigned number
align_func_params_span = 1 # unsigned number
# The threshold for aligning function parameter definitions.
# Use a negative number for absolute thresholds.
@ -2118,7 +2118,7 @@ align_func_params_gap = 0 # unsigned number
# The span for aligning constructor value.
# 0: Don't align (default).
align_constr_value_span = 0 # unsigned number
align_constr_value_span = 1 # unsigned number
# The threshold for aligning constructor value.
# Use a negative number for absolute thresholds.
@ -2131,19 +2131,19 @@ align_constr_value_gap = 0 # unsigned number
# Whether to align parameters in single-line functions that have the same
# name. The function names must already be aligned with each other.
align_same_func_call_params = false # true/false
align_same_func_call_params = true # true/false
# The span for aligning function-call parameters for single line functions.
# 0: Don't align (default).
align_same_func_call_params_span = 0 # unsigned number
align_same_func_call_params_span = 1 # unsigned number
# The threshold for aligning function-call parameters for single line
# functions.
# Use a negative number for absolute thresholds.
# 0: No limit (default).
align_same_func_call_params_thresh = 0 # number
align_same_func_call_params_thresh = 1 # number
# The span for aligning variable definitions.
@ -2170,7 +2170,7 @@ align_var_def_amp_style = 0 # unsigned number
# Use a negative number for absolute thresholds.
# 0: No limit (default).
align_var_def_thresh = 0 # number
align_var_def_thresh = 1 # number
# The gap for aligning variable definitions.
align_var_def_gap = 0 # unsigned number
@ -2190,12 +2190,12 @@ align_var_def_inline = false # true/false
# The span for aligning on '=' in assignments.
# 0: Don't align (default).
align_assign_span = 0 # unsigned number
align_assign_span = 1 # unsigned number
# The span for aligning on '=' in function prototype modifier.
# 0: Don't align (default).
align_assign_func_proto_span = 0 # unsigned number
align_assign_func_proto_span = 1 # unsigned number
# The threshold for aligning on '=' in assignments.
# Use a negative number for absolute thresholds.
@ -2209,7 +2209,7 @@ align_assign_thresh = 0 # number
# 0: Align with other assignments (default)
# 1: Align with each other, ignoring regular assignments
# 2: Don't align
align_assign_decl_func = 0 # unsigned number
align_assign_decl_func = 2 # unsigned number
# The span for aligning on '=' in enums.
@ -2225,7 +2225,7 @@ align_enum_equ_thresh = 0 # number
# The span for aligning class member definitions.
# 0: Don't align (default).
align_var_class_span = 0 # unsigned number
align_var_class_span = 1 # unsigned number
# The threshold for aligning class member definitions.
# Use a negative number for absolute thresholds.
@ -2289,12 +2289,12 @@ align_typedef_amp_style = 0 # unsigned number
# The span for aligning comments that end lines.
# 0: Don't align (default).
align_right_cmt_span = 0 # unsigned number
align_right_cmt_span = 1 # unsigned number
# Minimum number of columns between preceding text and a trailing comment in
# order for the comment to qualify for being aligned. Must be non-zero to have
# an effect.
align_right_cmt_gap = 0 # unsigned number
align_right_cmt_gap = 1 # unsigned number
# If aligning comments, whether to mix with comments after '}' and #endif with
# less than three spaces before the comment.
@ -2308,7 +2308,7 @@ align_right_cmt_same_level = false # true/false
# may be "pulled in".
# 0: Ignore (default).
align_right_cmt_at_col = 0 # unsigned number
align_right_cmt_at_col = 1 # unsigned number
# The span for aligning function prototypes.
@ -2338,7 +2338,7 @@ align_single_line_func = false # true/false
# Whether to align the open brace of single-line functions.
# Requires align_single_line_func=true. Uses align_func_proto_span.
align_single_line_brace = false # true/false
align_single_line_brace = true # true/false
# Gap for align_single_line_brace.
align_single_line_brace_gap = 0 # unsigned number
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